I am trying to resume my course but it has expired
Some courses have a pre-defined duration, after which they expire. Contact your account administrator to resolve this.
Problems during a course
My virtual machine desktop is not appearing in the Consoles Panel
First, using the machine controls in the Consoles Panel, try to refresh the display. If this does not work, end the lab from the top navigation bar. Then resume the course.
If the virtual machine desktop is still not appearing in the Consoles Panel, contact your account administrator.
I can't establish a connection to my virtual machine
When you resume a course, your virtual machines are resumed or booted from a stop state. This can sometimes take up to 5 minutes before a connection is established. During this time, the Consoles Panel will display an 'Establishing Connection' message.
If a connection is not established, you will be prompted to try again. If this is also not successful, contact your account administrator.
I'm concerned about the quality of my internet connection to Heropa
Each lab is run from a specific geographic location. While your overall internet connectivity may be good, it is worth checking the quality of your connection to the virtual machines in your lab environment.
The best place to view the connection quality from your browser to the VirtualLabs workspace is directly inside the workspace on the top navigation. On the right-hand side, you will see a latency indicator.
- Four green bars indicates excellent connectivity
- Three yellow bars indicates good connectivity
- Two orange bars indicates poor connectivity
- One red bar indicates very poor connectivity
If you have less than two bars it indicates that you are not geographically close to your lab environment. You may be able to request that your account administrator provides you with access to a different region.
I’m experiencing trouble with other functionality in on-demand training.
Try these basic troubleshooting steps:
Try a different web browser.
Update the web browser.
Restart the computer.
- Clear your browser's cookies and cache.
If available, try another device.
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