Completing a course
The steps to complete a self-paced course will depend on how the workspace has been set up by your account administrator.
All courses have a pre-defined duration, after which they expire. The time remaining before expiry will appear in the top navigation.
Tracking progress
Some courses will include an accompanying course manual in the workspace. When available, this content will contain step-by-step exercises to assist with completing the course.
Each section can be marked as completed, allowing you to track your progress through a course.
Course progress overall, and by section, is shown against the course in My Labs, by selecting Details.
Resuming a course
In the left hand sidebar of Heropa, My Labs contains all your active enrollments, including courses you are enrolled in.
To resume a course you are already enrolled in, locate the desired course and select Resume.
This will launch the course Table of Contents, from where you can select which section of the course you wish to resume. You will be taken to that section within the Heropa Workspace.
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